You spend your entire life wanting to be accepted by everything and everyone. You try hard at making yourself be like able and accepted, but some how its never enough. You come to a point in your life when you just stop even wanting to try. Try to make people understand you. Try to make them get what you're all about. Its just so insufferable having to elaborate everything about you.
You just have come to terms with everything. Accept who you are, for what you are and move on. To hell to those who claims to know you. Know your ins and outs. And to the mother who says that you're like any another predictable book, when in truth she has no idea where the true beginning is or where the end ends. Just to hell to them all.
Now its all about embarking on a true journey of self acceptance and love. Nothing else. Fight for you and only you. Strive for what you want and need to survive. Be well and healthy for you. Be all that you can be to succeed. It is all that you need.
November Update
A brief update as I don’t post here anymore, and moved my blogging to a new
page: In the 1940s, Ladies Home Journal ran two great photo essay series.
One w...
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