It's those little things that make you miss wanting to be with someone but it doesn't necessarily mean a relationship. It could be with a close friend or someone you have a passion and connection for. A certain someone you can actually enjoy those little things with.
Little things like going to cafe' and enjoying a cup of coffee and talk for hours on end about everything and nothing. Going to music stores and looking and listening to records that we 'd both like and go bonkers for.
Sitting on a couch and just cuddle and take in the silence and enjoying each others company. Holding hands on a cold night and walking close to keep warm. Long drives to no where, with good music blaring on the radio and singing to our hearts content or just keeping quiet and listen to the music.
Travel to a quiet island with nothing to do but laze in the sun and swim in the sea. Kissing for hours and just enjoying the taste and passion of each other's lips and feel the raw emotions of being close and connected. Staying in at home together on a quiet Sunday and just cook a feast and just eat between the two of us. Trying out hats and shoes and parading in front of one another.
Ahh the joy of those little things...
November Update
A brief update as I don’t post here anymore, and moved my blogging to a new
page: In the 1940s, Ladies Home Journal ran two great photo essay series.
One w...
this is beautiful. very straightforward yet heartfelt.
'twas one of those days..i call it the "what if" days ahahaa
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