Another week and 2008 comes to an end. When I look back, its just so surreal how time just flies. Part of me is glad that it came and went just like that but another part dreads the end.
I'm not one to reminisce but for 2008,it has been quite an adventure. Both good and bad. Most of all, I found a little of myself then i have in the past years and Im glad.
Simplicity and reality has been the guiding force for this year. After the whole debacle with the ex, I've decided to not load myself with such enormous burden unless necessary. Taking my time in everything be it work..friends..or love. I've made a promise to not bulldoze into something i have no actual grasp on. Sticking to it has brought me much happiness.
Looking and living through a fresh perspective, has made me more patient, tolerant and slightly more forgiving of people's ignorance and idiocies ( yes girls, i'm working on my forgiving bit, not easy i'd might add ). There has been moments that i had to undergo such bewilderment. To this day i still shake my head to it when ever i recall the incident.I guess i believe and have to much hope in the goodness of people.Then again, changing a person is never my thing.I discoverd by saying things as it is and calling off all Bullshit has lifted the curtain of misconception and the idealism of how life should be. Most of the time, I feel like the shot above. I pace myself in order to see what is real and what is not.
The stillness of it all before all hell breaks loose.
No more fairy-tale and romanticism. No more being sucked and pressured into doing something. No more pleasing the society. No more blending in. No more disrespect.
Living life real,simple,honest and with my instinct...